Operational Amplifier Version 1.0
Chapter 9 Sample Code
/* ILRx IRQs defined by ILRx */
ILR0 = 0xFF; // IRQ0: external interrupt ch0 | ch4
// IRQ1: external interrupt ch1 | ch5
// IRQ2: external interrupt ch2 | ch6
// IRQ3: external interrupt ch3 | ch7
ILR1 = 0xFF; // IRQ4: UART/SIO ch0
// IRQ5: 8/16-bit timer ch0 (lower)
// IRQ6: 8/16-bit timer ch0 (upper)
// IRQ7: Output Compare ch0
ILR2 = 0xFF; // IRQ8: Output Compare ch1
// IRQ9: none
// IRQ10: Voltage Compare ch0
// IRQ11: Voltage Compare ch1
ILR3 = 0xFF; // IRQ12: Voltage Compare ch2
// IRQ13: Voltage Compare ch3
// IRQ14: 16-bit free run timer
// IRQ15: 16-bit PPG0
ILR4 = 0xFF; // IRQ16: I2C ch0
// IRQ17: none
// IRQ18: 10-bit A/D-converter
// IRQ19: Timebase timer
ILR5 = 0xFF; // IRQ20: Watch timer
// IRQ21: none
// IRQ22: none
// IRQ23: Flash Memory
Add your own prototypes here. Each vector definition needs is proto-
type. Either do it here or include a header file containing them.
__interrupt void DefaultIRQHandler(void);
Vector definiton
Use following statements to define vectors.
All resource related vectors are predefined.
Remaining software interrupts can be added hereas well.
#pragma intvect DefaultIRQHandler 0 // IRQ0: external interrupt ch0 | ch4
#pragma intvect DefaultIRQHandler 1 // IRQ1: external interrupt ch1 | ch5
#pragma intvect DefaultIRQHandler 2 // IRQ2: external interrupt ch2 | ch6
#pragma intvect DefaultIRQHandler 3 // IRQ3: external interrupt ch3 | ch7
#pragma intvect DefaultIRQHandler 4 // IRQ4: UART/SIO ch0
#pragma intvect DefaultIRQHandler 5 // IRQ5: 8/16-bit timer ch0 (lower)
MCU-AN-500080-E-10- Page 17