Operational Amplifier Version 1.0
Revision History
Revision History
Date Author Change of Records
2010-03-22 Folix V1.0, First draft
This manual contains 18 pages.
1. The products described in this manual and the specifications thereof may be changed without prior notice.
To obtain up-to-date information and/or specifications, contact your Fujitsu sales representative or Fujitsu
authorized dealer.
2. Fujitsu will not be liable for infringement of copyright, industrial property right, or other rights of a third party
caused by the use of information or drawings described in this manual.
3. The contents of this manual may not be transferred or copied without the express permission of Fujitsu.
4. The products contained in this manual are not intended for use with equipment which require extremely
high reliability such as aerospace equipments, undersea repeaters, nuclear control systems or medical
equipments for life support.
5. Some of the products described in this manual may be strategic materials (or special technology) as
defined by the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law. In such cases, the products or portions
thereof must not be exported without permission as defined under the law.
© 2010 Fujitsu Semiconductor (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
MCU-AN-500080-E-10 - Page 2