3.3 Operation Mode Setup
2. The MTU size of TCP/IP is set up by creating /etc/fjmtu.fjgi* (notes) and
describing MTU size in /etc/fjmtu.fjgi* in the form of the following between
1500 and 9000 and rebooting. When not specifying an MTU value as this file,
it is set as a default value (except for a 9000Byte MAC header).
(Note) * expresses an instance number. An instance number should set up the
value (the same as that of * of /etc/hostname.fjgi*) which surely corresponds.
Example of setting (when setting MTU size of fjgi0 to 8000)
# cat /etc/fjmtu.fjgi0
3. Reboot the system.
[Method 3: How to specify by fjgi.conf]
When you set up MTU size separately by every interface, and when application does
not refer to /etc/hostname.fjgi* (example . CF of PRIMECLUSTER, CIP function),
please use this method.
This method can be used only in Solaris 9 or later, and when the following patch
for PRIMEPOWER is applied.
In the case of Solaris 9 OS: 114994-13 or later
In the case of Solaris 10 OS: 120462-06 or later
1. Add fjgi_mtu parameter to fjgi.conf file. Specify the value like fjgi_mtu=8000
instead of the character string like fjgi_mtu="8000".
Example of file description (when setting MTU size of a specific interface to 8000)
name="FJSV,pgtb" parent="/pci@15,2000" unit-address="1"
2. Reboot the system.
● If JumboFrame support is enabled, the interface will be unable to transmit and
receive data in IEEE802.3 format.
● In the case of a method 1 or a method 2, if two or more interfaces, or VLAN interfaces
are installed, the JumboFrame setting applies to all interfaces.
● When the file transfer protocol (FTP) is used, set the MTU-size to 8232 or less.
● When using the JumboFrames function with the PW008GE5, PW0G8GE2, SE0X7GD1X,
PW008QG1, SE0X7GQ1X or the PRIMEPOWER250/450 secondary LAN port, only use 1000Mbps