Chapter 4 LinkAggregation Feature
4.2 Configuration of the LinkAggregation Feature
The LinkAggregation feature can be configured with one of the following methods:
Setting Up the /etc/opt/FJSVla/config File
Using the /etc/opt/FJSVla/bin/fjla Command
● PRIMECLUSTER GLS 4.1 A30 or later is required to use the LinkAggregation feature.
The FJSVla package contains the fjla command and a sample configuration file.
4.2.1 Setting Up the /etc/opt/FJSVla/config File
This section explains how to create and modify the /etc/opt/FJSVla/config file to use the
LinkAggregation feature. All LinkAggregation groups defined in the file will be
automatically activated during the system boot. In this case, it is not necessary to run
/etc/opt/FJSVla/bin/fjla command manually.
1) Create the /etc/opt/FJSVla/config file:
The /etc/opt/FJSVla/config.sample file is provided by the FJSVla package. Copy the sample
file to create the config file.
# cp /etc/opt/FJSVla/config.sample /etc/opt/FJSVla/config
2) Modifying the /etc/opt/FJSVla/config file:
The following parameters must be specified in the /etc/opt/FJSVla/config file to use the
LinkAggregation feature.
Specify the physical interface that represents the LinkAggregation group. The froup is
a unit that performs data distribution and aggregation and also provides redundancy.
Specify the interfaces that belong to the LinkAggregation group by instance number (except
aggregator-interface). The valid number of members is 1 to 7. Multiple members can be
specified by separating them with ":".
distribution mode
Specify the distribution mode used by the LinkAggregation group. See “4.1 About
LinkAggregation Feature”for detailed information about each distribution mode. Specify
any one of the following values:
1: Destination MAC address distribution
2: Destination IP address distribution
3: Source/Destination IP address distribution
- Example
Aggregator-interface: fjgi1