ServerView Remote Management Frontend 35
Working with the Remote Management Frontend User interfaces
Online help
Ê To call the Remote Management Frontend help function, click HELP.
The Remote Management Frontend help function provides you with detailed
information on:
An overview containing introductory information
Remote Management
Information on Telnet/SSH-based remote management
Version information relating to Remote Management Frontend
Connection bar
The Remote Management Frontend connection bar contains the following
displays and controls:
IP Address IP address of the iRMC/ iRMC S2 or
RSB/ RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP (3HU) or
RemoteView Management Blade.
The Remote Management Frontend takes over the IP
address from the Operations Manager. You can
overwrite the IP address. You can enter up to
20 characters.
Management Port Management Port of the iRMC/ iRMC S2 or
RSB/ RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP (3HU) or
RemoteView Management Blade.
The Remote Management Frontend cannot take over
the Management Port from the Operations Manager.
The default setting is 3172 (for Telnet connections) or
22 (for SSH connections).
You can overwrite the management port. You can enter
up to 4 characters.
Connect This button allows you to start a connection to the
iRMC/ iRMC S2 or RSB/ RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP (3HU) or
RemoteView Management Blade (see page 42).
Table 2: Remote Management window (Remote Manager) - connection bar