ServerView Remote Management Frontend 53
5.1 Password protection
To prevent unauthorized remote access to a server, the PRIMERGY ServerView
Suite possesses password protection mechanisms. There are two types of
password that you need for the Remote Management Frontend:
– Password for the ServerView Web server
– Passwords for the remote hardware
Password for the ServerView Web server
To log on at the ServerView web server, you need the Operations Manager user
password (see manual “PRIMERGY ServerView Suite ServerView Operations
Manager Installation”).
Passwords for the remote hardware:
You may need the following passwords depending on the remote hardware you
are using:
– iRMC/ iRMC S2 passwords
You can define multiple user identifications, each with individual passwords
and rights for each iRMC/ iRMC S2 (see the manuals “iRMC - integrated
Remote Management Controller” and “iRMC S2 - integrated Remote
Management Controller”).
– RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP passwords
You can define multiple user identifications, each with individual passwords
and rights for each RSB S2/ RSB S2 LP.
– RSB passwords
For each RSB you can define multiple user identifications, each with
individual passwords and rights.
– RemoteView Management Blade passwords
For each RemoteView Management Blade you can define multiple user
identifications, each with individual passwords and rights.