2.2 Input/Output Data List
This radar can receive the following NMEA 0183 format data sentences from a
navigator or echosounder. Your vessel’s position in latitude and longitude, the
range and bearing to waypoint, speed, course, and depth may be seen on the
GLL: Geographic position – Lat/Long
BWR: Bearing and Distance to Waypoint – Rhumb line
BWC: Bearing and Distance to Waypoint – Great circle
GLC: Geographic position – Loran-C
GTD: Geographic position – Time Difference
RMA: Recommended Minimum Specific Loran-C Data
RMB: Recommended Minimum Navigation Information
RMC: Recommended Minimum Specific GPS/Transit Data
VTG: Track Made Good and Ground Speed
MTW: Water Temperature
DBT: Depth Below Transducer (Ver 1.5)
DBS: Depth Below Surface
DPT: Depth (Ver 2.0)
GGA: GPS – Rx status, L/L
VBW: Dual ground/water speed
DBK: Depth
HDM: Heading Magnet
HDG: Heading Deviation and Variation
HDT: Heading True
TLL: Target Position
RSD: Radar System Data