Auto tilt concept
1.4.2 Bottom and tilt angle
Finding the proper tilt angle is of utmost importance when searching for fish, especially
in coastal water fishing, where the depth of the fishing ground is from 50-100 m. In this
type of fishing ground it is imperative that the bottom echo be always displayed to
properly distinguish between fish and the bottom. When selecting a tilt angle, keep the
following points in mind.
Case 1: Tilt angle 30 to 40 degrees
This tilt angle uses the full beamwidth to receive echoes, thus the entire bottom echo
is displayed. Fish echoes may be hidden in the bottom echo.
Case 2: Tilt angle 10 to 20 degrees
This tilt angle receives bottom echoes within the bottom half of the beam. Fish echoes
astern of the bottom echo are displayed.
Case 3: Tilt angle 0 to 5 degrees
This tilt angle may or may not display returning echoes. Fish echoes near the bottom
echo are displayed.
1.4.3 How to discriminate fish echoes from the bottom
The following figure illustrates how two fish schools (a) and (b) are displayed on
screen using three different tilt angles.
Case 1: Tilt angle 30 to 40 degrees
Fish school is obscured by the bottom echo.
Case 2: Tilt angle 10 to 20 degrees
Fish school is located above the bottom echo (midwater).
Case 3: Tilt angle 0 to 5 degrees
Fish school is located close to the bottom echo.
Tilt Angle