3.9 Suppressing Effects of Pitching and Rolling
The Motion Sensor MS-100 (option) compensates for the affects of pitching and rolling
to provide steady, non-fading pictures, along the bearing selected. Follow the proce-
dure below to use the stabilizer feature.
How the stabilizer works
1. Operate the trackball to place the trackball mark on the bearing where you want
the stabilizer the picture.
2. Press the STABILIZER key. The stabilizer mark, a dashed line extending from the
screen center to the edge of the effective diameter of the sonar display, appears
on the bearing selected and "STAB" appears at the top right corner of the sonar
Stabilizer mark
Note: If the target lock function is active when the stabilizer is turned on, the sta-
bilizer works on the bearing selected for the target lock feature (target lock func-
tion has higher priority) and the stabilizer mark is not displayed. Even when target
lock is deactivated the stabilizer operates on the bearing selected for target lock.
3. To turn off the stabilizer, press the STABILIZER key. The stabilizer mark, stabiliz-
er indication and stabilizer bearing data are erased. If range and bearing marks
are shown they are displayed along with their data.
Note 1: The tilt angle can be manually set in the range of 0-55°, however pitching and
rolling are compensated within the ±20° in the tilt angle range of 0 to 55°.
Note 2: If the target lock is activated while the stabilizer is on, the bearing set for target
lock will be used with the stabilizer as well and the stabilizer mark is erased. When the
target lock is turned off, the bearing set before target lock was turned on is used and
the stabilizer mark reappears at the bearing originally selected.
No pitching
and rolling
Not displayed
(You want to
display this
fish school)
Ship is pitching and
Ship tilts
in bow direction
Not displayed
Tilt angle
Stabilizer activated
on front beam
Stabilizer turned ON
(Tilt angle compensated in one
direction only. Echo in opposite
direction is not displayed.)
Not displayed
Beam before
stabilizer activated
Stabilizer ON
Stablizer Mark
Picture is stabilizer
on bearing chosen
with this mark.
Stablizer bearing data
B 45S