5.3 Transmitting a File from a Floppy Disk
You may send a file from a floppy disk as follows after calling a
1. Press function key [F3] and then the [3] key.
2. The Send screen appears.
Send File
File Name Size Date & Time
LOG FILE 1k 1996/11/15 14:23
TELEX 1k 1996/11/15 20:32
NBDP 1k 1996/11/15 20:31
DO-5 1k 1996/11/15 20:30
To select : ENTER To view : SPACE To quit : ESC
Figure 5-6 Send file screen
3. Select the file you wish to send. Then, press the [Enter] key to
transmit the file.
Stopping Transmission
1. Press function key [F3] and then the [4] key.
2. Send Canceled appears on the screen. Transmission is stopped
but the line is still connected.
5.4 Selecting Receive Mode
1. Press function key [F3] and then the [6] key.
2. Select receive mode;
AUTO: Automatic operation in ARQ and FEC
ARQ: International radiotelex ARQ mode
FEC: International radiotelex FEC mode
3. Press the [Enter] key. The reception mode appears on the screen.
All received (and transmitted) messages are saved to a floppy disk
when "Tx/Rx Msg Save" is ON in the System menu. The file is
named as follows.