Preparing a Distress Alert
1. Press [F8] to display the Setup menu. Note that this key has pre-
cedence over any operation.
2. Press [1] to display the Distress Message Setup screen.
Figure 6-1 Distress Alert setup screen
3. The default LES ID is 144, AOR-E, NCS. To change, press [En-
ter] to display the LES ID list. Select a suitable LES and press
4. Press [ ] to select Update Time. Enter the time (hours and min-
utes and date) if necessary. The time indication stays still show-
ing the last update. Current time and position are shown at the
bottom right on the screen.
5. Press [ ] to select Position.
6. Press [Enter] to open the window for position entry.
7. Enter position in latitude and longitude. Use [ ] to shift the cur--
sor from degree to minutes and co-ordinate. Enter co-ordinate with
appropriate alphabet key.
8. Press [Enter] to close the window.
9. Press [ ] to advance the cursor to the Protocol line.
10.For marine vessels Protocol should be set to Maritime.