30 Forerunner
205/305 Owner’s Manual
3. Select an option from the
menu. Edit Leg changes
this sport mode to a different
sport. Insert Leg inserts
another sport mode before
this sport. Remove Leg
removes this sport mode from
the list.
4. To add a sport mode to the
end of the list, select <Add
5. To include transition time
between each sport mode,
select Include Transition.
6. To start your workout, select
Start Multisport.
To change from one sport mode
to the next, press lap. If you have
included transition time, press
lap when you are nished with
one sport to start the transition
time. Press lap again to end the
transition time and begin the next
To stop Auto Multisport:
Press mode to access the Main
Menu. Select Training > Stop
You can also clear a multi-sport
workout by pressing stop and
then pressing and holding reset
to reset the timer.