38 Forerunner
205/305 Owner’s Manual
When you are going to a location,
the Map and Compass pages are
added automatically. Press mode
to view these pages. On the
Compass page, the arrow points
toward the location. Go in the
direction of the arrow to reach the
location. The Compass page also
shows the distance and time left
until you reach the next point.
To stop going to a location:
Press mode to access the Main
Menu. Then select Navigation >
Stop Go To.
To edit or delete a location:
1. Press mode to access the
Main Menu. Then select
Navigation > Find > List All
or Nearest.
2. Select the location you want
to edit.
3. Change the name and symbol
as necessary. To delete the
location, select Delete.
To delete all locations:
Press mode. Select
Navigation > Find >
Delete All > Yes.