2 GPS 152H Quick Start Manual
Turning the Unit On or Off
To turn on the unit, press and release the Power key. When the
Warning screen appears, press Enter.
Acquiring GPS Satellite Signals
When you turn on the unit and acknowledge the Warning screen,
the GPS receiver must collect satellite data and establish the current
location. When the unit acquires satellite signals, the signal strength
bars are momentarily displayed on the Acquiring Satellites page.
When the unit loses satellite signals, the bars disappear and the
position icon displays a ashing question mark.
Adjusting the Backlight and the Contrast
1. Press and release the Power key.
2. Use the Rocker to adjust the light and the contrast.
Entering Text in a Field
1. Highlighttheeldyouwanttochange.PressEnter.
2. PresstheleftarrowontheRockertocleartheeld.
3. PresstheupanddownarrowsontheRocker until the desired
character appears. Press Enter.
4. PresstherightarrowontheRocker to enter the next character.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the text is complete.
6. Press Enter.
Use the Rockertohighlightothereldsonthesamescreen.
Main Pages
The GPS 152H has ve Main pages.
To cycle through the Main pages, press Page.
Map Page Highway PageCompass Page
Active Route Page Numbers Page
Marking Your Present Location as a Waypoint:
1. From any Main page, press and hold ENTER/MARK until the
2. Tochangethedefaultsymbol,name,ordepthofthewaypoint,
use the Rockertohighlighttheeldyouwanttochangeand
enter the text.
3. Select OKtosavethewaypoint.
Creating a Waypoint by Entering Grid Coordinates
1. From any Main page, press Menutwice.
2. Highlight Wpt, and press Menu.