
4 GPS 152H Quick Start Manual
To begin navigating a saved route:
1. Press NAV/MOB.
2. Select Follow Route.
3. Selecttherouteyouwanttotake,andthenselectActivate.
4. UsetheMappage,theCompasspage,theHighwaypage,the
Numbers page, or the Active Route page to navigate the route.
To delete a route:
1. From any Main page, press Menutwice.
2. Highlight Rte.
3. Highlighttherouteyouwanttodelete,andpressMenu.
4. Select Delete Route.
Using Tracks
A track is a recording of your path. The track currently being
recorded is the active track. An active track can be saved.
Turning Tracks On or Off
1. From any Main page, press Menutwice.
2. Highlight Trk > Active.
Saving a Track
1. From any Main page, press Menutwice.
2. Highlight Trk.
3. Press Menu, and select Save.
4. Select the time, the date, or the Entire Logyouwanttosave.
You can edit the name of the track, if desired.
Navigating a Saved Track
1. Press NAV/MOB.
2. Select Follow Track.
3. Selectthetrackyouwanttotake.
4. Select Originaltofollowthetrackasitwasoriginallyrecorded,
or select Reversetofollowthetrackintheoppositedirection.
Clearing the Active Track
1. From any Main page, press Menutwice.
2. Highlight Trk.
3. Press Menu.
4. Select Clear > OK.
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