
GPS 500 Quick Reference
190-00181-61 Rev. D
Selecting a nearby airport or a flight plan
waypoint as a direct-to destination:
1) Press the Direct-to Key.
2) Turn the large right knob to highlight the
nearest airport (NRST) or flight plan (FPL)
3) Turn the small right knob to display a window
listing nearby airports or all waypoints in the
active flight plan.
4) Continue turning the small right knob to
scroll through the list and highlight the desired
5) Press the ENT Key to confirm the selected
waypoint, and press the ENT Key again to
activate the direct-to function.
Viewing airport information:
1) Turn the large right knob to select the WPT
Page Group. ‘WPT’ appears along the bottom
of the display.
2) Turn the small right knob to select the desired
WPT page. Airport information is displayed on
the first six WPT pages: airport location, airport
runway, airport frequency, airport approach,
airport arrival, and airport departure.
3) Press the small right knob to activate the
4) Use the small and large right knobs to enter
the identifier of the desired airport.
5) Once the identifier is entered, the information
for that airport appears on the page. Press the
ENT Key to accept the selected identifier.
6) To view the other airport information pages,
press the small right knob to remove the
flashing cursor and turn the small right knob
to select the desired page.