GNS 530(A) Pilot’s Guide and Reference
190-00181-00 Rev. H
3) Turn the small right knob to display a window
of available departures for the selected airport
(Figure 7-29). Continue turning the small right
knob to select the desired departure.
Figure 7-29 Departure Window
4) Press the ENT Key. The cursor moves to the
runway field.
5) Turn the small right knob to display a window
of available runways (Figure 7-30). Continue
turning the small right knob to select the
desired runway. (‘ALL’ may appear in the
runway field, indicating the departure procedure
applies to all runways. For airports with parallel
runways, ‘B’ may appear at the end of the
runway designation to indicate the departure
procedure applies to both runways.)
Figure 7-30 Runway Window
6) Press the ENT Key. The cursor moves to the
transitions (TRANS) field.
7) Turn the small right knob to display a window
of available transitions. Continue turning
the small right knob to select the desired
8) Press the ENT Key. To remove the flashing
cursor, press the small right knob.
Airport Departure Page Options
The following option is available for the Airport
Departure Page, by pressing the MENU Key:
• Load into Active FPL? - Allows the pilot to load
the selected departure into the active flight plan.
This is identical to loading a departure procedure
from the Procedures Page, as described in Section
• Select Next FPL Apt? - This option is only
available when a Flight Plan is active. Allows the
pilot to view the available departures for the next
airport in the active flight plan
• Select Destination Apt? - This option is only
available when a Flight Plan is active. Allows the
pilot to view the available departures for the active
flight plan destination airport.
Loading a departure procedure from the
Airport Departure Page:
1) Select the desired departure, runway, and
transition using the preceding steps.
2) Press the MENU Key to display the Airport
Departure Page Menu.
3) Press the ENT Key to select the ‘Load into
Active FPL?’ option (Figure 7-31).
Figure 7-31 Airport Departure Page Menu
4) The Active Flight Plan Page appears. Press
the FPL Key to return to the Airport Departure
To select any of the other options from the Airport
Arrival Page Menu, follow the preceding steps, but select
the desired option in step 3.