GNS 530(A) Pilot’s Guide and Reference
190-00181-00 Rev. H
Requesting NEXRAD Data
NEXRAD data can be requested from the Data Link
Page or the Map Page.
Requesting NEXRAD data from the Data
Link Page:
1) Select the Data Link Page from the AUX Page
2) Press the small right knob to activate the
cursor. ‘NexRad Request’ is highlighted (Figure
Figure 14-30 Data Link Page (GDL 49)
3) Press the ENT Key. The NEXRAD Request Page
(see Figure 14-31) is displayed.
Figure 14-31 NEXRAD Request Page (GDL 49)
The NEXRAD Request Page has the following user-
selectable fields:
Center - This field allows the pilot to specify
reference points for the request. The following
ve options are available for the ‘Center’ eld:
♦ Current Position - Request NEXRAD data from
the aircraft’s current position.
♦ Look Ahead - Request NEXRAD data ahead of
(along) the current route.
♦ From ID - Request NEXRAD data from a
specic waypoint identier. If ‘From ID’ is
selected as the reference point for the request,
the ‘WPT’ eld is displayed (in place of
‘Position’). The ‘WPT’ eld is used to enter a
waypoint identifier as the reference point for
the request.
♦ From Lat/Lon - Request NEXRAD data from
a specific latitude and longitude. This is only
selectable when requesting from the map. The
‘Position’ eld displays the position of the map
cursor and cannot be edited.
♦ From Flight Plan - Request NEXRAD data from
one of the waypoints in the active flight plan.
This is only selectable when an active Flight
Plan has been selected. The ‘Flight Plan’ eld
(displayed in place of ‘Position’) is used to select
which waypoint in the active flight plan to use
as the reference point for the request.
Radius - This field selects a request radius from 50
to 250 nautical miles from the selected position.
Position (also WPT or Flight Plan) - ‘Current
Posn’-Position is current, ‘Look Ahead’-Position is
look ahead position. ‘From ID’-Position is from
the ID entered into the WPT eld. ‘Flight Plan’ is
the ID selected from the active ight plan.