
Garmin aera 795/796 Pilot’s Guide
190-01194-00 Rev. C
Appendix C
Overview GPS Navigation Flight Planning Hazard Avoidance Additional Features Appendices Index
WorlDWIDe terrAIn
The data contained in the navigation, terrain and obstacle databases
comes from government agencies. Garmin accurately processes and cross-
validates the data, but cannot guarantee the accuracy and completeness of
the data.
The terrain database is updated periodically and has no expiration date.
gArMIn AvIAtIon DAtAbASe upDAteS
The Garmin aviation database updates can be downloaded directly to the unit by
visiting the ‘flyGarmin’ website (fly.garmin.com).
After the databases have been updated, check that the appropriate databases are
initialized and displayed on the splash screen during power-up.
AIrport DIrectory DAtAbASeS
The AOPA Airport Directory provides data on airports and heliports throughout the
U.S. and it is updated on a 56-day cycle. Detailed information for over 5,300 U.S.
airports, along with the names and phone numbers of thousands of FBOs can be
viewed. This service allows the pilot to plan an overnight, choose fuel stops, find
ground transportation, etc.
Optional airport directory databases such as AC-U-KWIK are also supported. AC-
U-KWIK provides complete listings of FBOs, charter companies, fuel suppliers, ground
transportation, maintenance and catering services at public airports across the world.