Forerunner Logbook
Free Forerunner PC software is available for Forerunner 201 owner’s. With Forerunner
Logbook, you can download, archive, view your run history. Once downloaded, you can see
the shape of your run and its vertical profi le, add notes to a run, clean up your run history
(delete data), and export your run history into an XML data format. Please refer to our web
site on how to download the “Forerunner Logbook” software at:
Minimum System Requirements
IBM-compatible PC with Pentium processor or equivalent, 16-32 Megabytes RAM, mouse
or other pointing device, 256-color display adapter (24-bit color recommended) and monitor
with 800 x 600 resolution or higher.
Forerunner Logbook requires a 32-bit operating system such as Windows 98/2000,
Windows ME, XP or Windows NT 4.0. An available serial port is required for interfacing with
your Forerun ner.