Data Field Options
By pressing the UP or DOWN button, you can cycle through the Data fi elds at the
bottom of the Navigation Page:
Average Speed—the average speed traveled since last trip reset.
Elevation—the measurement of height above mean sea level.
Heading—the direction you are traveling.
Location—shows your current latitude and longitude.
Max Speed—the maximum speed traveled since last reset.
Speed—like the speedometer in your car, ‘SPEED’ tells you how fast you are going.
Time/ Date—the current settings.
Trip Odometer—like the odometer in your car, ‘TRIP ODOMETER’ tells you how far
you’ve gone.
Trip Time—the total time you have traveled since the last trip reset.
The following fi elds display only when navigating:
Arrival Time—the estimated time you will arrive at your destination.
Bearing—the compass direction between your location and destination.
Final Distance—the distance between your current location and destination.
Time To Go—the estimated total time left until you reach your destination.
The Navigation Page allows
you to display 13 types of
different data, such as ‘Eleva-
tion’, ‘Speed’, etc.
Navigation Page
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