Daylight Savings Time
Daylight savings time can be set to ‘Automatic’ (using the built-in almanac to automati-
cally change the clock settings when daylight savings goes into or out of effect). You can
choose ‘Yes’ to manually add daylight savings or ‘No’ to remain on standard time.
To change the daylight saving fi eld:
1. Press the PAGE button and switch to the MENU Page. Press the UP or DOWN button
to highlight ‘TIME’ and press the OK button to display the TIME Page.
2. Press the UP or DOWN button to select the ‘DAYLIGHT SAVING’ fi eld and press the OK
3. Press the UP or DOWN button, select ‘AUTO’, ‘YES’, or ‘NO’ and press OK. Press the
PAGE button to return to the page of your choice.
NOTE: If you select ‘Other’ for the Time Zone choice, the Daylight Savings
time options are not available.
Menu Page
Time Page
The Daylight Savings time
190-00297-00_0C.indd 15 10/1/2003, 12:59:13 PM