14 GMR 21/41 Owner’s Manual
aPPendIx > sPecIfIcatIons
Unit Dimensions: 24" D x 8" H (610 mm x 205 mm)
Cable Length: 15 meters
Radar Scanner Weight: Unit 26 lbs; cable 8.35 lbs
Range Scales (Range Rings)
GMR 21—1/8 nm (1/32 nm) to 24 nm (6 nm)
GMR 41—1/8 nm (1/32 nm) to 36 nm (9 nm)
Power Output
GMR 21—2 kW
GMR 41—4 kW
Power Input Source: 10.5–35 VDC, 28 W
Operating Temperature Range: -15°C to 70°C, and a relative
humidity up to 95% at 35°C
Beamwidth: Horizontal beamwidth of 3.6° nominal / vertical
beamwidth of 25° nominal
Wind Velocity: Wind speed up to 100 kts
Antenna RPMs: 24 rpm
Range Ring Accuracy: 20 meters or +/- 1.5% of range scale,
whichever is greater
Bearing Accuracy: 1 degree
Minimum Range: 20 meters
Range Discrimination: 20 meters
Sensitivity and Tune Controls: Gain, Sea Clutter, Rain Clutter,
Frequency Tune
FTC: Low, Medium, High
Radar/Chart Synchronization: Overlay Mode; split overlay with
standard radar presentation.
Off Center Function: Look Ahead, Auto Shift, and Manual
RF Transmit Frequency: 9410 ± 30 MHz
Waterproong: IEC 60529 IPX7
Interference Rejection: Anti-jamming algorithm
MARPA: Tracks up to 10 targets