GMR 21/41 Owner’s Manual 15
aPPendIx > euroPean lIcense requIreMents and declaratIon of conforMItY (doc)
European License Requirements
The following table shows European License requirements for the
GMR 21/41.
Austria I Luxembourg I
Belgium G The Netherlands I
Czech Republic I Poland G
Denmark G Portugal G
Estonia I Slovakia *
Finland I Slovenia G
France G Spain *
Germany G Sweden G
Greece G United Kingdom I
Hungary * Cyprus G
Ireland I Malta *
Italy G Iceland G
Latvia I Norway I
Lithuania G Switzerland I
I —requires an individual license for operation.
G—can be operated under a general license or license exemption.
* This product may require licensing in your country of use. Refer to the national
radio or telecommunications ofce or ministry.
Declaration of Conformity (DoC)
Hereby, Garmin, declares that this GMR 21/41 is in compliance with
the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive
To view the full Declaration of Conformity, see the Garmin Web site
for your Garmin product: www.garmin.com/products/gmr21/. Click
Manuals, and then select the Declaration of Conformity link.