Steep turn ahead - This message appears approximately 90 seconds prior to a turn
that requires a bank angle in excess of 25 degrees in order to stay
on course. Turn anticipation will not be provided by the GPS 165.
Stored data lost - Stored user data, including waypoints, routes and satellite orbital
data have been lost due to a low memory battery, or inadvertent
master reset.
SUA ahead < 10 min - Your projected course and current speed will take you inside a
Special Use Airspace within the next 10 minutes.
SUA near & ahead - You are within two nautical miles of a Special Use Airspace and
your current course will take you inside.
Timer expired - The approach timer has expired.
User data RX started - Data receive operations have started.
Usr data TX complete - Data transmit operations are complete.
VNAV cancelled - The VNAV function has been cancelled due to a change in the
active route.
WGS 84 datum selectd -The system map datum was changed to WGS 84 because the
selected map datum has been removed from the NavData®
card, the data card is missing, or the data card has failed.
Wpt comment locked - At least one waypoint comment is locked because the waypoint
has been removed from the Jeppesen NavData®, the data card
is missing, or the data card has failed.
Wpt exists _____ - You have entered a waypoint name on the AutoStore™ Page or
User Waypoint Catalog Page that already exists in memory.
Enter a waypoint name that does not exist.
Wpt memory full - The waypoint memory is full. You should delete unused way-
points to make room for new waypoints.
165 manual 7/13/98 4:00 PM Page 103