Basic Rules of GPS Approaches (continued)
• If you are off course to the MAP waypoint and use a direct-to to re-center the
d-bar, the active approach mode will be cancelled.
• SUA alerts are disabled when an approach is selected and armed, and the air-
craft is less than 30 nm from the destination airport. SUA information is still
available from the NRST key at all times.
In the examples that follow, the GPS waypoints are shown along the approach
path. In some cases, intermediate database waypoints have been added to some
approaches. These waypoints are named using lower case letters using the following
convention (the most common database waypoints are defined below). Note that
these waypoints are not charted on NOS approach plates. They do appear on current
Jeppesen approach charts.
• dyyyj— DME arc waypoint where yyy is the radial from the
reference facility (VOR)
• cfxx or cfxxx— course fix for runway xx or radial xxx
• ffxx or ffxxx— final approach fix for runway xx or radial xxx
• rwxx— runway xx threshold
• nxxhp— NDB approach runway xx intermediate holding pat-
tern waypoint
• maxx or maxxx— missed approach point for runway xx or radial xxx
• vxxhp— VOR approach runway xx intermediate holding pat-
tern waypoint
GPS Approach Examples
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