To copy a route...
· Select the Route Definition Page
· Highlight the route number field
and select the route number to
copy from with CLR.
· Highlight the route action field
with the arrow keys and press
CLR until “>Copy To>” is
· A third field now appears in the top right corner. Highlight this
field and select the destination route number with CLR.
· Press ENT. The route is now copied.
Routes are activated on the Route Definition Page also. You may
activate any route in the displayed order, or in reverse order. (NOTE:
Remember, when a new route is activated, the previous contents of route
0 will be overwritten. If you wish to save route 0, be sure to copy it to an
empty route first.)
To activate a route...
· Select the Route Definition Page
· Highlight the route number field
and select the route number to
activate with CLR.
· Highlight the route action field,
and with CLR select “>Activate?”.
· Press ENT to activate the route.
To invert a route...
· Follow the same steps as above for
activating a route, but select,
“>Invert?” at the route action field.
· Press ENT to activate the route in
an inverted order.