
frequency and bit rate which you selected (or the default frequency of
304.0 kHz and bit rate of 100 bps if no previous beacon has been tuned).
You may enter you own frequency (between 283.5 kHz and 325.0 kHz in
0.5 kHz increments) and bit rate if you desire. A message of “Tuning” will
then be displayed near the bottom of the page, directly after the “SNR”
field. If the “Tuned To:” frequency cannot be received within the timeout
period, the unit will stop trying to tune, the “Tuned To:” field will display
all blanks, and a status message of “No Status” will display after the
“SNR” (signal-to-noise) field. You must provide the unit with another
frequency and bit rate before it will attempt to tune again. The last field
on the Beacon Receiver Setup Page is the “View Beacon Log?” confirmation
field. Pressing “ENT” on this field will display the Beacon Log Page.
The Beacon Log Page displays the last five frequencies tuned by the user,
or the default frequency if no user
frequencies have been tuned. The most
recently tuned frequency is at the top of
the list. If the tuned frequency station
identifier and position were available
when the frequency was last tuned, the
list will also display the “Stn ID” number
and the distance to the transmitting
beacon. You can tune any frequency in
this list by pressing the left or right arrow key until the desired frequency
is highlighted and then press “ENT”. The display will immediately
return to the Beacon Receiver Setup Page with the selected frequency
from the Beacon Log Page as the “Tuned To:” frequency, and the bit rate
as the last bit rate used with the selected frequency. If you view the
Beacon Log Page and decide that you do not want to tune any of the
frequencies in the log, simply press “CLR” on any field to return to the
Beacon Receiver Setup Page.
The Sunrise/Sunset Page allows you
to calculate the sunrise and sunset
times for a given waypoint location
on a selected date (from 1990 through