
Alarm Clock—The alarm clock time that was set from
the Alarms submenu has been reached.
Approaching—You are one minute away from reaching
a destination waypoint.
Arrival at—You have reached your destination
Battery Power Low—The batteries are low and should
be replaced.
Data Transfer Complete—The unit has finished
uploading or downloading information to the connected
Degraded Accuracy—The unit’s accuracy has been
degraded beyond 500 meters due to poor satellite geom-
etry or data quality. Check other navigational sources to
verify the position indicated.
Leg not Smoothed—The upcoming route leg is too
short for smooth waypoint transitions.
Memory Battery Power Low—The battery that sus-
tains user memory is low and should be replaced by an
authorized service center as soon as possible. Failure to
do so may result in loss of stored data, including all
user waypoints and routes.
Need Altitude for 2D Nav—The unit needs altitude
input in order to start and/or continue 2D navigation.
Need to Select Init Method—You must select an ini-
tialization method so the unit can locate satellites and
obtain a fix.
No Differential GPS Position—Not enough data is
available to compute a DGPS position.
No RTCM Input—Beacon receiver is improperly con-
nected or baud rates do not match.
Off Course Alarm—You are left or right of course,
beyond the limits set on the Alarms submenu.
Oscillator Needs Adjustment
The GPS III+ has
detected excessive drift in its internal crystal oscillator
which may result in longer acquisition time. The unit
should be taken to an authorized GARMIN service center.
Poor GPS Coverage—The unit cannot acquire the nec-
essary number of satellites to compute a position. Try
another location with a clearer view of the sky.
Power Down and Re-init—The unit cannot calculate a
position due to abnormal satellite conditions. Turn power
off and use other means to verify the last position shown.
Try the unit again later, possibly in a differ
ent location.
The GPS III+ uses an on-screen message indicator to alert you to important
information. Whenever the message appears, press ENTER to acknowledge the mes-
sage and return to the previous page you were viewing. Messages are provided for
system status, waypoint/route editing, battery condition, etc. For your safety, pay
careful attention to all messages.