3. Highlight the desired route and press ENTER to display the Route Plan Page.
4. Highlight the name field and press ENTER to begin editing.
5. Use the rocker keypad to enter the desired name and press ENTER when finished.
Route Editing
Once a route is added to memory you can review and/or edit the route from the
Route Plan Page. The Route Plan Page shows the sequence of waypoints for the selected
route and provides additional options to depict the route layout on the map display,
insert waypoints, remove waypoints or perform trip/fuel planning functions.
To edit a route:
1. From the Route List, highlight the route you wish to edit and press ENTER. The Route
Plan Page appears for the selected route.
2. To change a route waypoint, highlight the waypoint you wish to change and press
ENTER. Use the rocker keypad to enter the new waypoint and press ENTER.
3. To review the information for a route waypoint, highlight the desired waypoint and
press MENU. A pop-up menu appears with additional options. Highlight ‘Review Wpt’
and press ENTER to display information for the selected waypoint.
4. To insert a waypoint in the route, highlight the waypoint that will immediately follow the
new route waypoint and press MENU. A pop-up menu appears with additional options.
Highlight ‘Insert Wpt’ and press ENTER to display a blank line for the new waypoint.
Enter the name of the new waypoint, using the rocker keypad, and press ENTER.
5. To delete a waypoint from the route, highlight the waypoint you wish to delete and
press MENU. A pop-up menu appears with additional options. Highlight ‘Remove Wpt’
and press ENTER.
The Route Plan Page allows
for easy editing of an existing
To edit the route, highlight
the route waypoint which is
affected by the change. If
inserting a waypoint, highlight
the waypoint which follows
the new waypoint.
Route List / Editing