Highway Page
The Highway Page is best used for navigation when a straight line course can
be followed. The Highway Page has User Selectable Data Fields along the top, a
Status Bar, and the Highway Display.
The Highway Page shares many features with the Map Page. Any tracks,
saved tracks or waypoints that are within the display area will be shown, the
Zoom Level can be changed using the IN and OUT Keys, and the Triangle repre-
sents your current location.
To navigate using the Highway, follow the road. If the Highway moves to the
right, turn right until the triangle is aligned with the White Line in the middle of
the Highway, and the Highway is pointed toward the top of the display. When
you are approaching a turn, a message “Approaching Turn” will be displayed.
As you approach your destination, a message ‘Arriving at Destination’ will be
displayed. If using the Electronic Compass for navigation, the unit will need to
be held level. If the unit is not level, a message ‘Hold Level’ will be displayed.
Highway Page Options
To access the Highway Page Options, with the Highway Page displayed press
the MENU Key. To select an option from the Menu, highlight the desired selec-
tion then press ENTER.
Setup Page Layout —
This option allows you to select the text size and the
number of data fi elds rows. You have the option of displaying: None, Small
(1 Row), Small (2 Rows), Small (3 Rows), Medium (1 Row), Medium (2
Rows), Medium (3 Rows), Large (1 Row), or Large (2 Rows). To select an
option, highlight the desired selection then press ENTER. The new confi gu-
ration will be displayed on the map.
Change Data Fields —
This option allow you to select the type of data you
want displayed in the data fi elds. To change a data type, place the highlight
over the desired data fi eld, then press ENTER. Using the ROCKER, scroll
through the available selections. With the data type highlighted, press
ENTER to accept the selection.
Highway Page
Highway Page
Highway Page Options
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