Getting Started
If you would like to select a different road for exit information, press MENU,
highlight ‘Select Exit Road’ then press ENTER. A list of roads is displayed, enter
the road name then press ENTER to accept the selection. If you have MapSource
CD map data loaded in the unit, you can choose which map data to use for creat-
ing the Exits List. With a list of exit options displayed, press MENU, highlight
‘Select Map’ then press ENTER. You can now select from the available options.
This option will only be available when MapSource CD data that contains
addresses is loaded in the unit. When ‘Addresses’ is selected, the Find Address
Page is displayed. To fi nd an address, enter the Number and Street. You can
also enter the City and Postal Code, to shorten the search time. If you have
MapSource CD map data loaded in the unit, choosing ‘Select Map’ from the
options menu allows you to determine which map data is used for the address
search. After you have entered the search data, highlight the ‘Find’ Button then
press ENTER. The unit will display the Select Address Page.
The Select Address Page will show the addresses that closely match your
entry. Highlight the correct address then press ENTER. This will display the
Address Information Page.
To begin direct navigation to the address, highlight the ‘Goto’ Button then
press ENTER. To view the address on the Map, highlight the ‘Map’ Button then
press ENTER. To exit the page, highlight the ‘OK’ Button then press ENTER.
You also have the option of saving the address as a waypoint. To save the address
as a waypoint, press MENU, with ‘Save as Waypoint’ highlighted, press ENTER.
Points — Addresses
City Information Page
Exit Options
190-00249-00_0C.indd 37 5/7/2003, 9:54:50 AM