Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Mooney M20M & M20R
CELL MOV – pressing the CELL MOV softkey shows
storm cell movement by displaying an arrow. point-
ing in the direction of predicted movement. The
display is updated every 12 minutes.
SIG/AIR – pressing the SIG/AIR softkey shows
SIGMET and AIRMET information.
The display is
updated every 12 minutes.
METAR – press the METAR softkey to graphically dis
play METARs. METARS are shown as colored flags
at airports providing METAR reports. The display
is updated every 12 minutes.
MORE WX – press the MORE WX softkey to display
the following group of softkeys for additional
weather control:
SFC – pressing the SFC softkey for Surface Analysis
shows current or forecast conditions. Forecasts
are available for intervals of Current, 12, 24, 36,
and 48 hours. Press the softkey corresponding
to the desired forecast. The closest city forecast
information is displayed in the legend. The dis-
play is updated every 12 minutes.
FRZ LVL – press the FRZ LVL softkey to display
contour lines for freezing levels.
The display is
updated every 12 minutes.
WIND – press the WIND softkey to show wind
speed and direction at a selected altitude from
the ground up to 42,000 feet in 3,000 foot incre
ments. After pressing the WIND softkey, press
the softkey corresponding to the desired winds
aloft altitude. The display is updated every 12
COUNTY – pressing the COUNTY softkey provides
specific public awareness and protection
warnings for Tornado, Severe Thunderstorm,
and Flood conditions provided by the National
Weather Service (NWS). The display is updated
every 5 minutes.
CYCLONE – pressing the CYCLONE softkey shows
the current location of cyclones (hurricanes and
tropical storms) and their projected track at vari
ous time intervals.
The display is updated every
12 minutes.
Map Panning Information – Weather Data Link
1. Push in the
to display the panning
2. Move the
to place the panning arrow
on AIRMETs, TFRs, METARs, or SIGMETs. Press
the ENT key to display pertinent information
for the selected product.
Note that pressing the ENT key when pan
ning over an AIRMET or a SIGMET displays an
information box that displays the text of the
report. Panning over an airport with METAR
information does not display more information
but allows the user to press the ENT key and
select that Airport’s Information Page to display
the text of the report. Pressing the ENT key
when panning over a TFR displays TFR specific
Weather Product Symbols
Figure 10-10 depicts the symbol for each weather
product (read from left to right) . When a weather prod-
uct is active, the product symbol is displayed in the lower
right of the screen.
• Cloud Top/Echo Top
• XM Lightning
• Cell Movement
• City Forecast