Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Mooney M20M & M20R
MFD & PFD Message Advisories
Message Comments
DATA LOST – Pilot stored data was
lost. Recheck settings.
The pilot profile data was lost. System reverts to default pilot profile and settings.
The pilot may reconfigure the MFD & PFD with preferred settings, if desired.
XTALK ERROR – A flight display
crosstalk error has occurred.
The MFD and PFD are not communicating with each other. The G1000 system should
be serviced.
PFD1 SERVICE – PFD1 needs service.
Return unit for repair.
The PFD and/or MFD self-test has detected a problem. The G1000 system should be
– MFD1 needs
service. Return unit for repair.
PFD1 CONFIG – PFD1 configuration
error. Config service req’d.
The PFD and/or MFD configuration settings do not match backup configuration
memory. The G1000 system should be serviced.
MFD1 CONFIG – MFD1 configuration
error. Config service req’d.
SW MISMATCH – GDU software
mismatch. Xtalk is off.
The MFD and PFD have different software versions installed. The G1000 system
should be serviced.
MANIFEST – PFD1 software mismatch.
Communication halted.
The PFD and/or MFD has incorrect software installed. The G1000 system should be
MANIFEST – MFD1 software
mismatch. Communication halted.
PFD1 COOLING – PFD1 has poor
cooling. Reducing power usage.
The PFD and/or MFD is overheating and is reducing power consumption by dimming
the display. If problem persists, the G1000 system should be serviced.
MFD1 COOLING – MFD1 has poor
cooling. Reducing power usage.
PFD1 “KEY” KEYSTK – Key is stuck.
A key is stuck on the PFD and/or MFD bezel. Attempt to free the stuck key by press-
ing it several times. The G1000 system should be serviced if the problem persists.
MFD1 “KEY” KEYSTK – Key is stuck.
CNFG MODULE – PFD1 configuration
module is inoperative.
The PFD configuration module backup memory has failed. The G1000 system should
be serviced.