General A016-1CG-1.00-2
The C3000/C0300 DPA may be installed in GE Power Systems products, to provide emulation of
the C3000/C0300 protocol in communications with an upstream master station. Status, Analog,
and Accumulator data may be passed to the master; Analog, and Binary controls may be
performed for the master.
The C3000/C0300 DPA provides for definition of multiple Logical Remote Units (LRUs) within
GE Power Systems products, each of which behaves as though it were a physically separate
devices with its own address for communication with the host station. LRUs may work within
separate areas within the overall WESDAC system database, or they may overlap and share data
as required.
On GE Power Systemsdevices where multiple communications ports are available for use, the
C3000/C0300 DPA may be configured for multi-porting. Multi-porting allows the C3000/C0300
DPA to be capable of responding on one or more communication ports to one or more master
stations. Each communication port has its own defined set of LRUs, with each LRU having the
same or different configurations. If two LRUs have the same configuration, then the same data is
sent to both master stations.
The C3000/C0300 DPA when resident in GE Power Systems along with the WESDAC Interface
Node (WIN) application provides translation of data between the WIN database and a
C3000/C0300 speaking host station. The WIN application and its database provide a consistent
means of transferring data between different DPAs and Data Collection Applications (DCAs)
within the GE Power Systems systems. For example, a WESDAC DCA may collect data from
field devices via protocol X and provide the information to WIN. A DPA may then get the data
from WIN and provide it to a host station via protocol Y (in this case C3000/C0300).
Conversely C3000/C0300 control requests may be received from a master station and passed to
WIN for execution. WIN may then pass these to a DCA, which utilize protocol X to have an end
field device actually perform the physical control operation. The interaction between the
C3000/C0300 DPA, WIN, and other applications resident within a typical WESDAC system is
illustrated in the following figure: