General A016-1CG-1.00-2
Chapter 10: Configuring the
C3000/C0300 DPA A016_TC Table
This chapter describes entries the user must provide in the A016_TC table found in the
C3000/C0300 DPA configuration.
The A016_TC table provides information for Trip/Close control output points, which are used by
the C3000/C0300 DPA. The table contains one record for each Trip/Close control output point to
customize the usage of the point. The fields contained in the table are described in the following
Field Range Description
DO Point
Any valid system
Digital Output point or
Undefined (-1).
The system control output point number, which is used as the destination for a LRU
Trip/Close control point. The high entry limit is confined to the highest system control
output point configured in the system. Entering Undefined (-1) disables Tripping or
Closing of the protocol point corresponding to this record.
1 to 60000
The amount of time in milli-seconds that the control output contact is to operate for
when a Trip is requested for the protocol point corresponding to this record.
1 to 60000
The amount of time in milli-seconds that the control output contact is to operate for
when a Close is requested for the protocol point corresponding to this record.
The Trip/Close (T/C) mode of operation uses the Master Trip and Close relays in
conjunction with operation of the output relay. The configured Trip and Close
durations are used. The control board hardware must be configured to correspond to
this mode of operation.
The Latch mode of operation latches the output relay on or off. A Trip command from
the master latches the point off and a Close command from the master will latch the
point on. The configured Trip and Close durations are not used. The control board
hardware must be configured to correspond to this mode of operation.
The Pulse mode of operation does not use the Master Trip and Close relays in
conjunction with operation of the output relay. The configured Trip and Close durations
are used. The control board hardware must be configured to correspond to this mode of
Table 11 A016_TC Table Fields