Performa 960 FA Control
5-Cycle Filter System
Figure 8
This section covers all aspects of programming the
Performa 960 FA control. The control is shipped from the
factory with default values for most parameters. These
default values will result in a system capacity of
100 gallons (1 cubic meter). While the control may operate
with these values, the following parameters must be
changed to meet the actual operating conditions, and
achieve maximum system capacity and efficiency:
• Time of Day
• Time of Regeneration
• Factor A
• Regenerant Dosage
• Capacity of the Unit
• Refill Controller Value
• Regenerant Draw Rate
• Slow Rinse Time
Note that some parameters have a single unit of measure
option such as the Slow Rinse Time which is only entered
in minutes. Other parameters have dual units such as
Regenerant Dosage which can be entered in gallons or
liters. To select which units are active, look for a comment
in the NOTES column of Table 5 and Table 7 on page 14. It
will reference another parameter that selects which units
are active. For example, parameter P12 (Table 8) selects
U.S. units if it is set to “0” and metric if it is set to “1”.
Performa 960 FA Level I Parameters
(Table 5)
Level I Parameters are identified as those that have an LED
indicator on the front panel. The green indicator
illuminates next to the name of the active control setting.
The end user has access to all of these parameters. In
general, pressing the DOWN ARROW (↓) button displays
the Level I Parameters in the following order:
• Time of Day
• Time of Regeneration
• Factor A
• Regenerant Dosage
• Capacity
If you continue to press the DOWN ARROW (↓) button, the
parameters start over with Time of Day. Pressing the UP
ARROW (↑) button displays the parameters in reverse
order. Refer to Table 5 for a description of these
parameters and the available ranges for each parameter.
Press the SET button and the far right digit of the display
starts flashing. If you want to change this number, press
the UP ARROW (↑) button to increase the number or the
DOWN ARROW (↓) button to decrease the number. To skip
the number without changing, press the LEFT ARROW (←)
button. When you reach the far left digit, pressing the LEFT
ARROW (←) button will return you to the far right digit.
Note: If you press and hold either the UP ARROW (↑)
button or the DOWN ARROW (↓) button for more than one
second, the flashing number will increment or decrement
at the rate of 10 counts per second.
When the number is correct, press the LEFT ARROW (←)
button. The far right digit stops flashing and the next digit
to the left starts flashing. You can only change the
flashing number. Continue changing numbers until you
reach the desired setting. Press the SET button. The
numbers stop flashing and the control accepts the new
setting. After approximately 30 seconds, the control starts
alternating the display between Time of Day and
Note: If the new setting is not accepted because it was
outside the allowable range, the old value will be