Time of Day
Press the SET button. The display will show the Time of
Day with the minutes digit blinking. If you want to change
this number, press the UP ARROW (↑) button to increase
the number or the DOWN ARROW (↓) button to decrease
the number. To skip the number without changing, press
the LEFT ARROW (←) button. The first number stops
flashing and the next number starts flashing. You can only
change the flashing number. When you have reached the
far left digit, pressing the LEFT ARROW (←) button returns
you to the far right digit. Continue changing numbers until
you reach the desired setting. Press the SET button again
to save the value.
Time of Regeneration
The next value displayed is the Time of Regeneration. It is
similar to Time of Day programming. It has a default value
of 2:00 a.m. If 2:00 a.m. is acceptable, press the DOWN
ARROW (↓) button. If this is not acceptable, press the SET
button and change the numbers. Press the SET button
again to save the value.
Factor A
Factor A is the next value displayed. Factor A is the
potassium permanganate demand of the water being
treated. Determine the potassium permanganate demand
of the water supply and enter that value for Factor A. The
formula below can be used to calculate potassium
permanganate demand from a water analysis.
From water analysis:
Iron content (Fe
) = ________ppm
Manganese content (MN
) x 2= ________ppm
S content x 4= ________ppm
Total Demand= ________ppm
4.0 ppm iron = 4.0 ppm
3.0 ppm Manganese x 2 = 6.0 ppm
2.5 ppm H
S x 4 = 10.0 ppm
Potassium Perm. Demand = 20.0 ppm
Regenerant Dosage
Regenerant dosage is the next value displayed. Refer to
Table 6 to find the correct regenerant dosage setting
based on the volume of filter media and the average room
temperature of the installation site. Enter the correct value
from Table 6.
Capacity is the next value displayed. Refer toTable 7 to
find the correct system capacity setting based on filter
media volume. Enter the capacity setting from Table 7.
Note: The Performa 960 FA control uses the Capacity and
Factor A settings to calculate the system capacity in
gallons (cubic meters). If the calculated system capacity
exceeds 9999 gallons (99.99 cubic meters), the control will
display 9999 (99.99 cubic meters), for capacity until the
water usage has dropped the remaining capacity below
that number. When water is flowing through the system,
the colon in the Time of Day display will blink.
At this time, all of the Level I Parameters are programmed.
The display will alternate between the Time of Day and
Capacity if no keys are pressed for 30 seconds. The
Capacity value displayed is the volume remaining in
gallons (cubic meters for metric) before a regeneration is
To complete the initial programming of the Performa 960
FA proceed to the Level II Parameters, page 15.