The Time Defrost setting is
designed for speedy thawing of
frozen food and is oneof the great
advantages of a microwave oven.
Use the Time Defrost setting to
quickly thaw foodssuch as bread,
rolls, vegetables,fruits and frozen
dinners. The Auto Defrost setting
is preferred for meat and poultry
becausethe ovensetsthe defrosting
time and power levelsfor you.
~Powerlevel3 is automaticallyset
for defrosting,but youmay change
this for more flexibility.
~See your cookbookfor
Tobecome better acquaintedwith
thedefrostfimction,defrosta 1O-OZ.
packageof frozenstrawberriesby
followingthe stepsbelow.
Step 1:Place packageof frozen
strawberries in the ovenand close
door. Be sure packagecontains
no metal.
Step 2:
TOUChTIME mimosrr.
Displayshows : Oand “POWER 3:’
“ENTER DEF TIME” flashes.
f%ep4: TouchST~. “DEF TIME”
showsand timecountsdownon
display.When cycleis completed,
the ovensignalsand flashes “End~’
then automaticallyshutsoff.
Step 5: Turn packageover,close
door and repeat Steps2 and 3 to set
remaininghalf ofdefrostingtime
and touch START.
Step 6: When ovensignalsand
flashesEnd, open door, remove
packageand separatestrawberries
to finish defrosting.
./ .
e Foods frozen in paper or plastic
can be defrosted in the package.
~ Family-size,pre-packaged
frozen dinners can be defrosted
and microwaved. If the food is in a
foilcontainer, transfer it to a -
o For mm defrosting, some foods
nwd to bc broken up or separated
part of the way througb the
(idi’r(v+tins ti[llc.
.. ..... .
... —.. . —
IQ.When I press START,1hear a
dull, thumping noise. What is it?
A. This soundis normal. It is
lettingyouknowtheovenis usinga
powerlevellowerthan 10(HIGH).
Q. Can I defrost small items in
a hurry?
A. Yes,butthey willneed more
frequentattentionthanusual. Raise
the powerlevelafterenteringthe
time bytouchingthedesired power
levelpad. Powerlevel7 cutsthe
totaldefrostingtimeaboutin 1/2;
defrostingtime to approximately
1/3.During either, rotateor stir
Q. Why don’t the defrosting
times in the cookbook seem right
for my food?
A. Cookbooktimesare averages.
Defrostingtime can vary according
tothe temperaturein your freezer.
Setyour ovenforthe time indicated
inyour cookbook. If your food is
stillnot completelythawedat the
end of thattime, reset your oven
and adjustthe time accordingly.
Q. Should aUlfoods be completely
thawed before cooking?
A. Some foodsshouldnot be
completelythawedbefore cooking.
For example, fish cooks so quickly
it is better to begin cooking while it
is stillslightlyfrozen.
Q. Can 1open the door during
defrosting to cheek on the
progress of my food?
A. Yes.Youmayopen the door at
any time during microwaving.To
resume defrosting, close the door
and press START.The ovenbegins
operating if time is leftcmtimer.
If not, reset timer.