HOWtOthe the
“NwNIM’WSECTIMER has three
timing functions:
@N operates as a minute timer.
~ It can be set to delaycooking.
@Mcan be used as a hold setting
after defrosting.
The MIN/SEC TIMER operates
How tom-ma3-Minute
Phone cdl
The displayshows: Oand
“ENTER TIME” flashes.
2. Touchnumberpad 3 and MIN (for
3 minutesand no seconds). Display
shows3:00 and “TIME” flashes.
3. TouchSTART.Displayshows
“TIME” andtime countingdown.
4. When time is up, ovensignals,
flashes “EndJ’and displayshows
timeof day.
The h4inute/SecondTimer can also
bc used to program “hold time”
between microwavecooking
functions.The time can range from
onc scconcito 99 minutesand 99
seconds. A HOLD, or “standing”
time may bc foundin some ofyour
own recipes or ccmkbook.
Step L Takecasserolefromfreezer
andplacein oven.
Step2: TouchTIMEDEFROSTpad.
The displayshows: Oand
TIME” flashes.
Step 3: Touchpads 1,5 and MIN
for 15minutesdefrostingtime. 15:00
appearson display.(Defrostingis
automaticallyseton power level3
but can be changedby touchingthe
POWERLEVEL pad andthe
desired powerlevel.)
Step 4: Set standingor hold time
by touchingNHN/SECTIMER.
The displayshows : Oand
“ENTER TIME” flashes.
Step 5: Tbuch 1,0 and MIN to hold
for ten minutes. 10:00appears on
displayand “TIME” flashes.
Step 7:Touch2,5 andMIN for
“COOK TIME” flashesand25:00
and “POWER10”appearondisplay.
Step$: TouchST~. “DEFTIME”
and 15:00countingdownshow
on display.As each fi.mctionis
automaticallyperformed oven
andthe fimction.
Step 9: When time is up, theoven
signalsand flashes “EndV
Q. What will happen Ml
accidentally reverse my defrost9
McI and cook instructions’?
A. The ovenwill automatically
rearrange yourprogram. Defrosting
will alwayscome first, then hold,
and then the cookingfunction.
Q. Can 1defrost and hold.only’?
A. Yes.Sometimesyou may only
wantto defrost a food, hold it, and
cook it later. All youneed to do is
program in Defrost and amountof
time. Then program Hold and the
amount oftime. Be sure to put the
thaweddish in the refrigerator
NOTE: Let foods remain at room
temperature only as long as safe.
Times will vary.
‘Q.1 my oven for a
specific defIwsting time but it
defrosted. klnger than necessary.
A. When instructions conflict,
the oven carries out the last
instruction. Youmay have setthe
oven to Defrost for4 minutes,
I-Iold/Timefor 2 minutes, and then
Defrost for 6 minutes. In this case,
the own wouldDefrostfor 6 minutes
and Hold/Time for 2 minutes.
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