Cookware Tips
Hadianl ( oohlo D
The following information will help you choose
cookware which will give good performance.
Stainless Steel: []
Aluminum: []
Good conductivity. Aluminum residues
sometimes appear as scratches on the cooktop
but can be removed if cleaned immediately.
Because of its low melting point, thin weight
almninmn should not be used.
Copper Bottom: []
(2opper Inay leave residues which can appear
as scratches. The residues can be relnoved, as
l(mg as the cooktop is cleaned ilmnediately.
However, do not let these pots boil dry.
Overheated inetal can bond to glass cooktoi)s.
An overheated coi)i)eiq)ottoln pot will leave a
residue that will i)ern_ai_ently stain the cooktop
if not reinoved iimnediatelv.
Porcelain I_hlmnel-Covered Cookware: []
not _¢commended
Soille l)orcelain-covered cookware c[in bond to
the hot cooking stwti_ce.
Glass-Cermnic / Stonewaxe:
not recommended
Poor i_erfi)rinai_ce. May scratch the surtace.
Use pans that Inatch the dialneter of the
surfiace unit. Cooking i)ertiwmance will not
be as good if the cookware is either sinaller
or larger than the surlace unit.
[] Pan Detection/Sizing _fill work properl) xfith
these t)l)es of cookware.
Pan Detection/Sizing will not work with
these t)l)es of pans.
j L
Check pans for flat bottoms by
using a straight edge.
Panswith rounded, curved, ridged or warped bottoms are not
recommended. Pandetection/sizing may not work properly with
these types of pans.
fbr best
• Place only dry pans on the surfiace milts.
Do not place lids on the surtiace milts,
pa rtictda rl) wet lids.
• Do not use woks that haxe support rings.
This t)])e of wok will not heat on glass
surtiace traits.
• Use (rely a flat-botton/ed wok available from
InaI_y polmlar cookware inanufi_cturei_.
The bottom of the wok should haxe the same
diameter as the surface unit to ensure l)rol)er
• Some special cooking procedures require
specific cookware such as i)ressure cookers,
deep-tat flTers, etc. All cookware inust have
fiat bottoms that inatch the size of the
surtace traits.
Do not place wet pans onthe
glass cooktop.
Do not use woks with support rings
on the glass cooktop.
Use flat-bottomed woks on the
glass cooktop.