Consumer Information
Radianl ( ookto D
Your new Monogram touch control radiant cooktop makes an eloquent statement of style,
convenience and kitchen planning flexibilit> Whether w)u chose it tot its purity of design,
assiduous attention to detail--or tot both of these reasons--you'll find that your Monogram
cooktop's superior blend of torm and flmction will delight you tot years to come.
Your Monogram cooktop feattlres several new leattlres stlcl/as l)_lll detection and pan sizing.
The touch controls give you precise control of the surtace units. You can quickly switch between
a steadv low heat and fldl power, or any setting in-between. The cooktop was designed to provide
the flexibility to blend in with vour kitchen cabinetry. Its sleek design can be beautiflfllv
integrated into the kitchen.
The intormation on the tollowing pages will hel I) you operate and maintain your cooktop property.
ConWn_ Care mad Clemfing
Control I,ock Pad .................... 14, 18
Glass Cooktop Cleaning ............... 19-20
Rein oving Packaging %1pc ................ 18
Consumer Services
Betore You Call For Service ............ 21, 22
Important Phone Numbe_ .............. 27
Model and Serial Numbe_ ................ 3
Product Registration ................. 25, 26
Sali_ ' Instructions ..................... 4-9
Warranty .............................. 28
Using Your Cooktop
Cooking Guide ......................... 12
Cookware .............................. 16
Dual Stm'hce Units ...................... 12
Fault Code ............................. 14
Features ............................... 10
Home Ca nning Tips ..................... 17
How to Set the Controls ............... 11-13
Kitchen Timer . ......................... 14
I,ocking the Cooktop .................... 14
Pan Detection Feature ................... 15
Pan Sizing Feature ....................... 15
Radiant Surlhce Units ................ 11-13
Single Surti_ce Units ..................... 12
X.Vam_er Surti_ce Unit .................... 13