Surface Planning
If you are not experienced with a jointer,
set the depth of cut to 0" and practice
feeding the workpiece across the tables as
described for each of the jointing proce-
dures. This process will better prepare you
for the actual operation.
Figure 40.
Figure 41.
To surface plane the workpiece on the joint-
2. Safety
Instructions Page 6
Stock Inspection & Requirement
Page 26
Setting Outfeed Table Height
Page 19
Note: We suggest a
⁄32" depth of cut for sur-
face planing, and a more shallow depth for
hardwood species or for wide stock.
6. ON
Failure to use push blocks when surface
planing could result in your hands contact-
ing the rotating cutterhead, which will cause
serious personal injury. ALWAYS use push
blocks when surface planing on the jointer!
Note: When your leading hand comes within
4" of the cutterhead, lift that push block up
and place it on the workpiece portion that is
on the outfeed table. Now, focus the down-
ward pressure with the leading hand while
feeding, then repeat the same action with
your trailing hand when it comes within 4" of
the cutterhead. Keep your hands safe! DO
NOT allow them to get any closer than 4" to
the cutterhead.
8. Step 7