Aperture and shutter speed settings can both be changed
even while the busy light on sensor unit is ashing.
Access to the B and T shutter speed settings can be tempo-
rarily hidden. See Custom Options #34 .
Programmed variable: Pv - This mode is very similar to Pro-
grammed, except with the additional parameters of lens focal
length being automatically taken into account. For example, long
shutter speeds will automatically be avoided with a long focal
length lens.
To set one of the modes, proceed as follows with the camera in
active mode:
1) Press the EXP button on the viewnder.
2) Turn the front control wheel (either direction) until you reach
the required setting.
3) Press Save (ISO / WB button) to retain the setting.
In Automatic mode the front control wheel selects alternative
aperture /shutter combinations while maintaining the same EV
and the rear control wheel alters the amount of exposure com-
pensation. The compensation appears as a +/- symbol on the grip
display and viewnder display (illus. 4).
Variations (chosen by using the front control wheel) from the
specic combination selected by the P or Pv mode are signied
by a double arrow symbol appearing between the aperture and
speed settings (illus. 5) on the grip display. These new variations
provide the correct exposure but in dierent combinations.
AE- L button 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
This button has two main functions that can be incorporated
in various working methods involving exposure locking. It also
has an extra function for the ash measure capability (see AE-L
section under Flash ). The AE-L button can:
a) lock an EV setting in manual and automatic modes.
b) be used as a Zone System placement button.
a) When the button is pressed (g 1), the light metering facility is
locked to the EV setting at that moment. An L (= locked) symbol
appears between the shutter speed and the aperture indication
(g 2) on the grip display and viewnder display to conrm the
status. Press the AE-L button again to unlock (toggle function).
In the locked setting, the aperture and shutter speed become
interlocked. In this way, a new aperture/shutter combination that
still represents the same EV, can be rapidly chosen. For example,
if you set the shutter at 1/125s and the aperture at f/8 and lock
them together, you can access new EV-equivalent combinations
of, for example, 1/30s a f/16 or 1/500s at f/4 just by moving the
front control wheel.
In practice this means you could, for example, in auto mode, posi-
tion the metering area (spot setting) over an area in the subject
that you determine to be equivalent to a mid-grey and lock it with
the AE-L button. You can then recompose the picture with the
metering zone positioned over an area much brighter or darker
while still retaining the original exposure setting and choose a
new combination of aperture and shutter speed settings.
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