Basic image browsing
The large, full-color display enables you to inspect your shots while you are still on-location. It oers full-screen previews, high-
magnication zoom, two levels of thumbnails and analysis tools including a full histogram and camera settings.
When you rst turn on the camera, the display opens in standard browse mode, showing the last capture taken (if any) for the current
batch. Likewise, after each new shot, the display shows a preview of the capture.
Zooming in for more detail
You can zoom very far into the images to inspect small details. To do this:
1. Browse to the image you wish to zoom into with the navigation button.
2. Press the zoom-in (
) button to zoom in one step. The screen updates to show both a zoomed image and a thumbnail
image that includes a red box outlining the portion of the images currently shown.
Zooming in and out
You can use the Zoom in/out button to see various levels
of detail in your images. You can furthermore zoom all the
way out to view and select batches and media.
To browse the captures in the current batch, simply press
the left () and right () arrows of the navigator button.
3. You can now do the following as needed:
• Usethenavigatorbuttontomovethezoomareaifyouwishtoinspectadierentpartoftheimage.
• Zoomfurtherbypressingthezoom-in(
) button more times.
• Zoombackoutonestepbypressingthezoom-out(
) button.
4. When you are nished, press and hold the zoom-out (
) button to return to browsing at the standard zoom level.