
Deployment tasks 18
Deployment tasks
This chapter describes common deployment tasks. For information about using one or more of these tasks
to construct a complete deployment environment, see “Deployment planning.”
In the examples and instructions that follow, file path references often end with .../subpath. Replace
the ellipsis (...) with the correct path for the current environment. For example, in the following path:
replace the ellipsis (...) with a path to the directory that contains the ISO images for the Solaris 10 11/06
installation media.
Install server preparation
This section describes a procedure for preparing an install server, which provides the Solaris installation
media to installing clients as part of a network-based deployment.
This procedure is also described in Solaris 10 11/06 Installation Guide: Network-Based Installations at
, and Solaris man pages (for example,
Prerequisites for preparing an install server
To prepare a Solaris install server, the following prerequisites must be met:
Solaris 10 media—This media is available from Sun. The install server can be prepared from the
ISO images; they do not need to be burned to physical media.
System running Solaris—The install server must be a system running Solaris.
Disk space—Enough disk space must be available on the install server to store the contents of the
installation media (approximately 3 GB to 5 GB).