Deployment tasks 26
Preparing the DHCP/PXE server
1. Configure the DHCP server as follows:
a. Start the DHCP Manager:
# /usr/sadm/admin/bin/dhcpmgr
b. If starting with no configuration, dhcpmgr prompts you for the type of configuration, either
DHCP server or BOOTP relay. Select DHCP server to start the DHCP Configuration Wizard.
c. In the wizard, choose to store the DHCP configuration data as text files, and then click the right
d. Specify a location to store the configuration data.
e. Choose to not manage host records.
f. Enter a lease length, and then choose to enable clients to renew their leases.
g. Do not specify a DNS domain.
h. Select a network from the list, or enter a network address and subnet mask.
i. Specify local area network as the network type, and then choose to use the router discovery
j. Do not configure an NIS domain.
k. Do not configure an NIS+ domain.
l. Verify the configuration, and then click Finish to complete the server configuration.
m. Start the Address Wizard.
n. Enter the number of IP addresses to add.
o. Enter the DHCP server name and the first IP address in the range.
p. For the configuration macro, select the DHCP server name option.
q. Select the dynamic lease type.
r. Verify the configuration, and then click Finish to complete the address configuration.
2. If a modified miniroot is to be used, replace x86.miniroot under .../Solaris_10/boot/ with
the custom miniroot, and save a copy of the original in the process.
The preceding procedure enables the DHCP server, but does not enable network booting to Solaris
installations. To enable network booting for installations, add installation clients by performing the
following steps:
1. Use add_install_client(1M) to add the client configuration to the DHCP server:
# cd .../Solaris_10/Tools
# ./add_install_client -d -e
ethmac \
> -b boot-args=’- install’ \
> -c
jsnfspath \
> -p
idnfspath \
> i86pc
is the Ethernet MAC address of the client, in the form aa:bb:cc:dd:ee
is the NFS path to the JumpStart configuration directory, such as:
is the NFS path to the directory that contains the sysidcfg(4) file, such as: