Major Number: Unique value that identifies an individual hardware
device.The number for the 10/100Base-TX card floats.
Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU). Largest amount of data that
can be transmitted through that interface. This value does not include
the LLC or MAC headers.
MByte (megabyte) A measure of computer storage equal to 1024 kilobytes.
Motherboard See mainboard. In some countries, the term motherboard is not
Multi-tasking The initiation and control of more than one sequence of operations.
This allows programs to operate in parallel.
Multi-threading The simultaneous accessing of data by more than one SCSI
device. This increases the aggregate data throughput.
Network Interface: A communication path through which messages
can be sent and received. A hardware network interface has a hardware
device associated with it, such as a LAN or FDDI card. A software
network interface does not include a hardware device, for example the
loopback interface. For every IP address instance, there must be one
network interface configured.
Network Management Identifier (NMID): On HP-UX 10.x, it was a
unique ID assigned by the system for the network management of each
network interface. Replaced on HP-UX 11.x by the PPA or physical point
of attachment
Node: Any point in a network where services are provided or
communications channels are interconnected. A node could be a
workstation or a server processor.
NVRAM (Non-Volatile Random Access Memory) An EEPROM
(Electronically Erasable Read Only Memory chip) used to store configuration
Operating System A program that organizes the internal activities of the computer
and its peripheral devices. An operating system performs basic tasks such as moving
data to and from devices, and managing information in memory. It also provides the
user interface.