
*TST (Test)
Query *TST?
The *TST query returns the results of the power-up self-test. The result of
that test is a 9-bit mapped value which is placed in the output queue. A one
in the corresponding bit means that the test failed and a zero in the
corresponding bit means that the test passed. Refer to table 9-7 for the
meaning of the bits returned by a TST? query.
Returned Format
<result> An integer 0 through 511
Example 10 OUTPUT XXX;"*TST?"
20 ENTER XXX;Tst_value
Table 9-7 Bits Returned by *TST? Query (Power-Up Test Results)
Bit Position Bit Weight Test
8 256 Disk Test
7 128 not used
6 64 not used
5 32 Front-panel Test
4 16 HIL Test
3 8 Display Test
2 4 Interrupt Test
1 2 RAM Test
0 1 ROM Test
Common Commands
*TST (Test)