Common Command Header
Common command headers control IEEE 488.2 functions within the logic
analyzer such as clear status. The syntax is:
*<command header><terminator>
No white space or separator is allowed between the asterisk and the
command header.
Example *CLS
Combined Commands in the Same Subsystem
To execute more than one function within the same subsystem, a semicolon
(;) is used to separate the functions:
:<subsystem>:<function><white space><data>;<function>
<white space><data><terminator>
Duplicate Keywords
Identical function keywords can be used for more than one subsystem. For
example, the function keyword MMODE may be used to specify the marker
mode in the subsystem for state listing or the timing waveforms:
:SLIST:MMODE PATTERN - sets the marker mode to pattern in the state
:TWAVEFORM:MMODE TIME - sets the marker mode to time in the timing
SLIST and TWAVEFORM are subsystem selectors, and they determine which
marker mode is being modified.
Introduction to Programming
Duplicate Keywords